
Validation, Verification and Qualification is absolutely necessary for a company that operates in regulated environments such as Medtech and Pharma. 

Validation is the testing and documentation ensuring that a production process repeatedly generates reliable products whereas Verification evaluates if a product complies with a requirement, regulation, or specification. Qualification concerns equipment, where tests and controls are conducted to assure that the equipment is properly installed, works correctly and leads to the expected results.

The consultants at Orderly People have long and solid experience within Validation, Qualification and Verification of Medtech and Pharma products. We can fully support you throughout the product's life cycle. 

In addition to that, Orderly People also supports you with:

  • Build a strategy and support throughout the product's life cycle

  • Initiation of Requirement Specification

  • Support in Risk Management

  • Support in Purchase

  • Development and test of the product 

  • Operational Implementation